Coder's Pangram: A Modern Font Test
Oct 2024
Ever squinted at your screen, wondering if that’s a zero or the letter O? You’re not alone!
Forget the lazy dog and quick fox – they’re on vacation. Programmers need a more specialized test. This pangram focuses on commonly confused characters in code, helping developers choose fonts that enhance readability and reduce errors.
The quick brown fox jumps over 1 dog; I lazily watch 0 Owls fly by.
-0 Owls
vsO Owls
-1 dog; I
vsI dog; I
-I lazily
vsl lazy
Other Candidates
I placed the lollipop on the Ideal table.
The Illusionist edited the film IN LA.
Illegal1 = 0O
I filed the legal appeal in 1 last push.
At 0°C, the Observatory opens at dawn.
if (|I| < threshold) {
int result = 1 | 1;
if (O_count == 0) {
printf("No occurrences of 'O' found.");
In code, 1|0 likely equals 1.
Select Fonts with Clear Distinctions
Choose fonts specifically designed to distinguish similar-looking characters.
Use Monospaced Coding Fonts:
- Examples: Consolas, Courier New, Fira Code, Source Code Pro.
- These fonts are designed to make each character unique, reducing confusion.
Fonts for Accessibility:
- Examples: Dyslexie, OpenDyslexic.
- Designed to enhance character recognition.