
WACC - Compiler

Jan 2017

An implementation of the front-end of a compiler for the WACC language. That is, a lexer, a parser and a semantic analyser for WACC programs and generating an AST internal representation of their structure.

This post is quite light on details as WACC is still used as a teaching language at Imperial College London. I will be happy to answer any questions about the project, however (send me an email!).


ANTLR is a top-notch parser generator for reading, processing and executing structured text. It strips away much of the difficulty of writing a compiler from scratch (which I’ve also experienced with Flint).


lexer grammar WACCLexer;

LineComment: '#' ~[\r\n]* -> channel(HIDDEN);


QUOTE_OPEN: '"' -> pushMode(String);


SKIP_: 'skip';
READ: 'read';
FREE: 'free';


mode String;
QUOTE_CLOSE: '"' -> popMode;

parser grammar WACCParser;

options {

program: BEGIN function* statement END EOF;

// Functions
  : type IDENTIFIER LPAREN parameterList? RPAREN IS statement END


Kotlin Compiler

I wrote the compiler in Kotlin, a JVM language that is very similar to Java. I had a bit of a functional craze going on at the time, and missed the terseness of Haskell. Kotlin gave me some of that back, and it would be the tool I’d use for JVM.

├── asm
   ├── ASMContext.kt
   ├── Generatable.kt
   ├── RegisterSet.kt
   ├── Stack.kt
   └── value
       ├── ASMValue.kt
       ├── MemoryValue.kt
       └── StackValue.kt
├── ast
   ├── ASTVisitor.kt
   ├── expression
   ├── BinaryExpression.kt
   ├── CallExpression.kt
   ├── Expression.kt
   ├── ExpressionVisitor.kt
   ├── NewPairExpression.kt
   ├── TypedOperator.kt
   └── UnaryExpression.kt
   ├── function
   ├── Function.kt
   └── FunctionVisitor.kt
   ├── identifier
   ├── Identifier.kt
   └── IdentifierVisitor.kt
   ├── literal
   ├── ArrayLiteral.kt
   ├── BoolLiteral.kt
   ├── CharLiteral.kt
   ├── IntLiteral.kt
   ├── Literal.kt
   ├── LiteralVisitor.kt
   ├── PairLiteral.kt
   ├── SpecialChar.kt
   └── StringLiteral.kt
   ├── Node.kt
   ├── Program.kt
   ├── reference
   ├── ArrayReference.kt
   ├── PairReference.kt
   ├── Reference.kt
   └── ReferenceVisitor.kt
   ├── statement
   ├── AssignmentStatement.kt
   ├── BeginStatement.kt
   ├── BlockStatement.kt
   ├── DeclarationStatement.kt
   ├── ExitStatement.kt
   ├── FreeStatement.kt
   ├── IfStatement.kt
   ├── PrintStatement.kt
   ├── ReadStatement.kt
   ├── ReturnStatement.kt
   ├── SkipStatement.kt
   ├── Statement.kt
   ├── StatementVisitor.kt
   └── WhileStatement.kt
   ├── tostringutilities
   ├── Indentable.kt
   └── ToStringUtilities.kt
   └── type
       ├── ArrayType.kt
       ├── BaseType.kt
       ├── GenericArrayType.kt
       ├── GenericPairType.kt
       ├── NestedPairType.kt
       ├── PairType.kt
       ├── TypeComparable.kt
       └── Type.kt
├── ASTBuilder.kt
├── CompilerArguments.kt
├── Compiler.kt
├── diagnostic
   ├── ColourUtilities.kt
   ├── Diagnostic.kt
   ├── Locatable.kt
   └── SourceLocation.kt
├── errorlistener
   ├── DiagnosticErrorListener.kt
   └── ErrorListener.kt
├── ir
   ├── builder
   ├── BlockBuilder.kt
   ├── FunctionBuilder.kt
   └── ModuleBuilder.kt
   ├── global
   ├── IRGlobal.kt
   ├── StringGlobal.kt
   ├── TypeGlobal.kt
   └── VectorGlobal.kt
   ├── instruction
   ├── AllocaInstruction.kt
   ├── BinaryInstruction.kt
   ├── BranchInstruction.kt
   ├── CallInstruction.kt
   ├── GetElementPointerInstruction.kt
   ├── IRInstruction.kt
   ├── IROperator.kt
   ├── LoadInstruction.kt
   ├── ReturnInstruction.kt
   ├── StoreInstruction.kt
   ├── TemporaryValueInstruction.kt
   ├── UnconditionalBranchInstruction.kt
   └── UnreachableInstruction.kt
   ├── IRBlock.kt
   ├── IRFunction.kt
   ├── IRModule.kt
   ├── type
   ├── BasicType.kt
   ├── IRType.kt
   ├── PointerType.kt
   ├── RegisterType.kt
   ├── StructType.kt
   └── VectorType.kt
   └── value
       ├── ConstantIntegerValue.kt
       ├── GlobalRefValue.kt
       ├── IRValue.kt
       ├── LocalRefValue.kt
       ├── NullValue.kt
       └── RegisterContext.kt
├── irgen
   ├── IRContext.kt
   ├── IRExpressionGenerator.kt
   ├── IRFunctionGenerator.kt
   ├── IRGenerator.kt
   ├── IRIdentifierGenerator.kt
   ├── IRLiteralGenerator.kt
   ├── IRReferenceGenerator.kt
   └── IRStatementGenerator.kt
├── scope
   ├── GenericScopeTree.kt
   ├── ProgramScopeTree.kt
   └── ScopeTree.kt
└── semantic
    ├── ExpressionSemantic.kt
    ├── FunctionSemantic.kt
    ├── IdentifierSemantic.kt
    ├── LiteralSemantic.kt
    ├── ReferenceSemantic.kt
    ├── SemanticChecker.kt
    ├── SemanticContext.kt
    └── StatementSemantic.kt

22 directories, 121 files